Boyscout Uniforms
Troop 23 is proud to be a full uniform Troop and expects that every Scout obtain and wear the full uniform. The Scout uniform is very important to the Scouting program. It distinguishes the boys from others in the community as well as brings unity and sameness to the boys in the Troop. It also advertises the Scouting program anywhere we stop. Think about sports team members. Would they consider participating without a full team uniform? It is what separates them from everyone else. Scouting is the same.
Troop 23 wears the OFFICIAL SCOUT UNIFORM consisting of:
- Scout shirt (long or short sleeve, most choose short sleeve)
- Proper patches sewn in the correct locations (see reference below)
- Scout pants (long or shorts, most choose zip-off long)
- Proper shoes (No open toed shoes)
- Socks (Scout socks must be worn with shorts )
- Scout neckerchief (any kind)
- Neckerchief slide (creativity is encouraged)
- Any kind of Scout belt & Scout buckle
Troop 23 wears a TRAVEL UNIFORM consisting of:
- Scout shirt (long or short sleeve, most choose short)
- Pants or shorts, solid neutral colors, no patterns, no sweatpants, no camouflage
- Scout neckerchief & Scout slide optional unless required by Scoutmaster
- Any kind of Scout belt & Scout buckle
Each new Scout entering Troop 23 is issued a Troop T-shirt. This shirt is to be worn on selected occasions. They may consist of service projects, sporting activities, etc. as designated by the Scoutmaster. Extra T-shirts or replacements due to loss, outgrowing, etc. may be purchased at any time from the Troop. In addition, parents may also purchase Troop T-shirts.
For these reasons, among others, all parents and Leaders should emphasize to their Scouts the importance of wearing the correct and complete uniform on all suitable occasions.
Arlington Heights Scout Shop
Phone: (847) 640-4430
Monday – Friday 9 AM – 6 PM
Saturday 9 AM - 3 PM