What is Advancement?
Council and district advancement committees implement procedures that help achieve the following advancement principles:
Personal Growth – This is the primary consideration in the advancement program. This growth may be measured by how Boy Scouts live out scouting ideals in their daily lives.
Learning by doing – A Boy Scout has not really learned the skill until he has done it.
Each Boy Scout progresses at his own rate – Scouts must be encouraged to advance steadily and to set their own goals with guidance from their parents and leaders.
A badge is recognition of what a Scout is able to do, not merely a reward for what he has done – The badge is proof of certain abilities, and is not just a reward for the completion of a task.
Advancement encourages scouting ideals – Scouting teaches Boy Scouts to care for themselves and to help others. Advancement should reflect the ideal for the Scout to live the Boy Scout Oath in his daily life. No Troop has the authority to add or subtract to the advancement requirements.
Boy Scout requirements – Rank advancement is the basis for a Boy Scout's progress towards Eagle. There are four steps in the Boy Scout advancement procedure:
- Learning – A Boy Scout learns by doing.
- Testing – a Scout may be tested on rank requirements by his Patrol Leader, Scoutmaster, Assistant Scoutmaster, a Troop Committee member or a member of his Troop.
- Reviewing – After a Scout has completed all requirements for a rank, he has a board of review.
- Recognition – When the board of review has certified a Scout's advancement, he deserves to receive recognition as soon as possible.
Record keeping – Record keeping and distribution of awards are the responsibilities of the Advancement Chair.