Camp Menus

Menus should be a group effort of the Patrol. The Assistant Patrol Leader should use his patrol cookbook or other resources to plan the menu at home. The patrol will be given time at the Troop meeting to adjust the menu to the patrol's agreement. Menus are reviewed and approved by the Adult Grubmaster before the food is purchased. The Troop always has a supply of peanut butter and jelly for the finicky eater. Helpful recipes are found below.


This cookbook / foodguide was initially compiled and partially written by Dr. Craig Weiss of BSA Troop 23 (Blackhawk District, Northwest Suburban Council, IL) in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Woodbadge training. Any Scouts or Leaders who would like to share a camping recipe with the Troop is welcome to submit it to The Grubmaster for inclusion here. You may download the entire recipe book here.

*** If your Scout has special needs such as food allergies, medications, physical or mental needs, religious and dietary restrictions, or any other special needs you feel we should know, PLEASE inform the Scoutmaster BEFORE the outing. ***