The Best Troop is a Trained Troop!
Troop 23 Adult leadership development
The following is an alphabetical listing of adults who have taken important training on behalf of Troop 23. This list, however, is incomplete and needs your assistance. Please check the training and advancement listed under your name and report any discrepancies to our Advancement Chair. For example, if you took a Basic Leaders Essential Course or Wood Badge training and it is not reflected here, we need to know about it so it can be reported to Blackhawk District and the NWSC. This list is a mirror of with their records, so we have to correct it in two places. If you have any evidence or records to support the error, please share it so we can be more complete and celebrate your accomplishment. If you would like to volunteer to become a merit badge counselor or take a course, please let us know. We'd love to add your name to this list, so please check it out and help us update the files.
NOTE: I used the secure info since this contains the personal info of our Adult Leaders -- you can get to it using the regular security sign on and password.
Click here to download the list
Want to get trained but not sure where to get the information?
Visit the PTAC training page for class information and training schedule.